
My experience paints a complex picture.

When I was applying to graduate schools, I had an interviewer tell me that my resume made no sense. My undergraduate degree was in psychology and Spanish linguistics. My Masters’ is in speech-language pathology. I’ve worked with bilingual children with developmental disorders and I have a private practice focused on providing care for adults with atypical dementias. My most recent full-time role is at a traditional financial institution with a focus on UX Research and Strategy.

Yes, my resume on paper, paints a complex picture. But in reality, the image is clear: I’m a leader, storyteller, and advocate, focused on building relationships with those around me to uplift stories that inform strategy. My impact can be measured at the individual level by the patients who I’ve guided in participating in their communities the way they decide to. At an international scale, I help organizations hear the right stories so they can make informed decisions when creating products that real people need and want to use.

We all have stories to tell. Let me be the one to help you listen.